Saturday, December 30, 2006

Hello, and welcome

If you saw the BBC's Gardener of the Year programme, broadcast on Dec 30th 2006, you'll have some idea already of what this blog is about. You'll know that I won this closely contested competition between five amateur gardeners over a very challenging 4 days of garden building and horticultural quizzes. But when I started this blog, I didn't know I would win it, of course, so this is really the diary of a GOTY finalist - who just happened to end up the winner.

A one hour television programme can never hope to cover more than a fraction of four days work by five teams as well as cover the quizzes and our personal histories as well. So much has to be edited out and as an inveterate blogger, I thought I'd try to use blogging to give something of an insight into what really happens before, during and after the programme.

Hopefully this blog won't put anyone off entering but will help to inspire more gardeners to try their luck and enter in 2007.

In the normal way of a blog, the newest post is last, so if you would prefer to read this in chronological order, start from the bottom and work your way up. And please feel free to add your thoughts on the programme and ask any questions you want by leaving a comment.

Part of my finished garden.

(Photo courtesy of Lorraine)

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