Sunday, September 10, 2006

Day two - closing report

It felt like we'd made really good progress. Both patios were laid, the path was set out ready, Hazel had almost finished painting the fence and I'd dug the hole ready for the water feature. I had day three mentally mapped out with a list of jobs ready for Geoff and Hazel. I would finish the path and then start planting, starting with the tree and the bamboo. I think they asked me in the diary room if I was on schedule. 'Yes' I said confidently, 'we'll finish on time'.

As it was my birthday, I was granted special permission for a visit by my husband David and youngest daughter Holly. We all went out for a meal together and I opened my present - a new long lens for my trusty camera. It was all going so well.

The sun terrace with Hazel's trademark coffee stain (our carpets at home are similarly adorned)

You can see Mike, Lorraine and Martin's finished patios in the adjacent gardens


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