Saturday, September 09, 2006

Day one - progress report

By the end of the first day, we had two level areas filled with compressed MOT for our patios and part of the trellis was up. We were a bit behind plan - I'd not expected as much of a slope towards the house as there was and I really wanted to get the levels right - but I wasn't too worried. I just felt huge relief to be actually doing something. It was only when I looked at everyone else's and saw that they seemed much further ahead that I was a bit alarmed. But more importantly to me, I'd marked out the outlines of the design on the real garden and felt it would work.

The day flew by in a blur, but I do remember hoots of laughter from Rosie next door (Kirby's daughter and helper). Kirby had been shown how to use the MOT compressor - the whacker plate. Trouble is he didn't know how to turn it off and was trapped, going round in circles on his patio. What had done for Rosie, though, was that he kept pleading with her to 'turn the vibrator off!'

In the diary room that night I was asked how I felt about the design. I said truthfully that I felt it was ordinary. This was fine by me, in reality. I could cope with 'ordinary'. My worst nightmare had been that the design simply couldn't work and I was fairly sure I'd avoided that.

(P.S. The observant ones amongst you will have noticed that Lorraine wore a blue t-shirt throughout filming, except in the video diaries where she is wearing black. The video diaries were filmed against a blue screen, so Lorraine would have vanished. Fortunately a senior member of the female BBC crew - who shall remain nameless for the sake of modesty - was wearing a black t-shirt which she promptly ripped off and lent to Lorraine. The sequence was filmed with the woman standing in the video room (aka, a garage) in her bra...)

Hazel still digging away at 6pm.

Len, Joe, Dennis (the director) and Jeff (head landscaper) trying to look busy....

(Photo courtesy of Lorraine)


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