Thursday, September 07, 2006

Van day...

Thursday morning...
Hazel and I spent the morning working through the 'things we must take' list, thinking of things we'd forgotten (not much), looking for tools I'd misplaced (lots) and going over everything again and again.

Midday came and went and no van arrived. My friend Jacqui arrived with some good luck balloons and a birthday card for Sunday. 'Presume that's your van over the road?' she said. Parked outside the house was a very large, white Hertz van. It turned out they'd parked it up and left the keys at our business office over the road. It was now 2pm and I had a 2 hour round trip at least to collect all the plants and an absolute deadline of 5pm for my final plant list.

Thursday afternoon

I got to the college nursery to collect the all important bamboo and Sorbus, plus a few others. The Sorbus had tipped over and looked badly dried out. Too late to change it now - it would have to do. Off to Lane End to complete yesterday's aborted collection and home for 4.40pm. Just time to unload all the plants, lay them out on the lawn, move them around and make final decisions. I ditched the prized Luzula and one of the Phormiums. Go for one obelix rather than two. I dashed off the revised spreadsheet to the Beeb just before 5pm.

My last minute reductions released about £95 for extras. I rubbed the metaphoric lamp and my genie appeared in the shape of my shopping addict neighbour, Chris. We zipped off to the local garden centre and bought patio furniture, candles, and hanging brackets for the bird bath.

Somehow that night we also loaded my father-in-law's van with all the paving. It all starts for real tomorrow.


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