Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The last full preparation day

Today vanished in a blur of tasks completed and tcked off, and tasks deleted for lack of time. We don't have time to repaint the rabbit run or the trellis. The acrylic mirror should have arrived yesterday but now it will be tomorrow morning, an hour before we are due to leave. No problem, we'll include it if it's here and we won't if it's not.

Frustratingly, I went to one of the nurseries that has some stock reserved for me - and they are closed on Wednesdays. I stood forlornly at the gate, knowing my plants were in there somewhere and drove away empty-handed. Tomorrow is going to be manic - I now have to collect three lots of plants 40 miles apart and make my final decisions about planting when I get them back here. (I know I should be able to choose them without seeing them, but I just can't).


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