Friday, September 08, 2006

First impressions...

The gardens are on a new estate with part finished roads and other houses still under construction so hopefully the residents are used to disruption. Just as well really - the access road behind our gardens is a mass of vans, cables, people, building equipment and sand bags. We unloaded into the garage and had our first look at our plot. As anticipated, it was bare topsoil with a very orange fence. I knew it would be north facing - what I hadn't appreciated was that the houses were three stories high - these really will be shady gardens.

The scene outside our garden back gates

Later at the hotel, we all got together for our briefing meeting with the director, Dennis, and the rest of the BBC team. Naturally, the most important matter for all of us was the colour of our team t-shirts. Hazel and I got dayglo pink - not a colour either of us would choose but we weren't going to argue. Dennis called us his 'stars' but somehow we all instintively felt that 'pawns' woould be more accurate. Fundamentally, the message was if he tells you to jump, you simply ask 'and how high would that be?'.

By early evening all the participants and helpers had met and were getting on wonderfully. Hazel and I were on even more intimate terms with Lorraine's helper David. Following a mix up with room numbers which is too tedious to explain, Hazel tried to get into the wrong room. A friendly, topless chap answered the door, guessed that we were with the programme and introduced himself as David.

So I was finally there, stressed, tired enough to sleep for a week, but too adrenalin primed to sleep much at all. There was no backing out now.


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